Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Snowboarding Movie Review 1

Apples & Oranges

I recently picked up this film called apples and oranges. It is a very inspiring movie that makes you want to get off the couch and go ride... yes even if the grass is still green you might have the urge to get up put your boots on and strap into your board right there on your carpet. There are known riders as well as some new faces in this film as in all snowboarding movies. Some of the featured riders are: Matt Belzile, Jaakko Seppala, Stefan Karlsson and JF Fortin etc... This video is in high definition and produced by alterna action films. This is one of my favorite films out right now. Check it out!

My friends new board and bindings

Last week my friend purchased a new snowboard as well as bindings at one of the local shops that give us great deals. He picked up the new Step Child board called Powder Sucks! It's a great board and one of the best around right now for all sorts of jibbing (flat ground tricks, rails, boxes) and a pair of the APO Expresso bindings which have a dual entry system unique to APO. The trick to these bindings is you can do them up normally or unhinge the high back and use them like Flow bindings (new generation Flows not the old ones that were useless). Overall his new setup is amazing; with a new pair of boots in the near future it should be a great season for him.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Toronto Ski and Snowboard show REVISITED

Going to the Snowboard show was amazing I got to meet Simon Chamberlain who is awesome rider, and got myself a nice Nomis sweater. I went with 3 friends and 2 of them got new goggles and I helped another get a new board as well as bindings. She got the Burton GTWIN which is in my opinion one of the top 5 woman boards I know of. You should have been there to see the selection! I'll be dropping by again next year no doubt about it.

The Training

Health and Safety training coming up this weekend for the Ski Resort, this will be my third year doing it here because I have done it twice before as a cook. The WHIMIS training is always the same and it's really just a chance to hang out with all the people that I know who worked there and meet a few new faces as well. Looking forward to it this year!


My friend Sam as well as my friend Michelle and I have all gotten in as snowboarding instructors at our local hill, well... The one we prefer to ride at actually ha! We start as soon as the snow falls and I could not be happier working with those people and at that hill! This just means I'll be on the hill 5-6 days a week! I couldn't ask for a better way to keep improving my riding.

Jibbing in Octobre

That's right, right here in Ontario Snowboarding in October before the first frost. A week and a half ago my friend Sam and I went to the local hockey arena "borrowed" some of their unwanted snow (we figured we're doing them a favor) and set up a flat down flat rail in his backyard to jib. We ended up hitting it all night and for an hour the next day before the snow melted. Now as soon as the weather drops we're going to get more snow! (Okay so the picture isn't the rail we have but you get the idea)

Some funny math


Smart man + smart woman = romance
Smart man + dumb woman = affair
Dumb man + smart woman = marriage
Dumb man + dumb woman = pregnancy


Smart boss + smart employee = profit
Smart boss + dumb employee = production
Dumb boss + smart employee = promotion
Dumb boss + dumb employee = overtime


A man will pay $20 for a $10 item he needs.
A woman will pay $10 for a $20 item that she doesn't need.

Now I'm sure you realized I did not come up with those but I had taken quite a bit of time to remember them and coming up with this snowboarding one will not be very easy either.


Good Instructor + Good Student = Accomplishment
Good Instructor + Bad Student = Progress
Bad Instructor + Good Student = SWITCH
Bad Instructor + Bad Student = Holding up the chairlifts

Falling behind :O

I recently found out that I had fallen way behind in my blogs. I have been so excited about the frost we've been getting that I forgot to post about the amazing things that have happened in the past week or so! Expect to see some updates now and a couple funny posts!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Lakeridge Job Fair

The Lakeridge ski resorts annual job fair will be this Sunday the 19th of October. I will be going to attain my spot as a snowboarding instructor, and see a few of my managers from previous years of working there. For good job opportunities and for a great work environment be sure to make your way there!

Snowboarding Playlist

I will soon be compiling my snowboarding playlist for this season, it's usualy full of pump up songs that you would use in snowboarding or skate videos. This is a key element to making snowboarding videos which I plan to have many of this season. So any soundtracks or songs that should be added to this playlist would be an awesome comment to post. Thanks.

Thanksgiving Dinner

For Thanksgiving dinner I was up at my trailer for the last time with my family, my cousin Rachel, as well as my Aunt and Uncle. We had a huge turkey, potatoes, ham, corn and every other family dinner food you could think of. I think this had to be one of the biggest meals I have had all year. The next day the trailer was closed up for the season. For me this means the end of summer/fall and the beginning of the white winter to come.

Friday, October 3, 2008

The cold days are coming!

Every day it seems to be getting colder and colder out. This is a symbol that winter is almost here! Snowboarding isn't that far off and I can't wait to get back on the hills! It's funny because I hear people complain everyday that the weather is getting too cold. But I just laugh and think about the amazing season to come.

If I won the lottery

If I won the lottery I would first buy the nicest snowboarding gear on the market as well as a bunch of Nomis gear. If you don't know what Nomis gear is you should check out their site, click here. After I went on my little boarding shopping spree I would buy my 2 favorite cars, the classic 1982 corvette stingray and the 2009 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X as a tuner car. Finally I would buy a Tim Horton’s because of the income rate, and the rest of my money would be divided between bank, family and charity. I would also bring all my friends to Whistler for 2 weeks once or twice throughout the snowboarding season.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Backside 180 - Trick tip

One of the sickest tricks in my mind is a huge bs 180. Backside is when you first start the rotation your back is facing downhill. All this trick is is a half spin with lots of hang time to make it look awesome. The trouble with this trick is learning to land switch and land without spotting your landing. I suggest first learning to ride switch and try popping, or going off little kickers. Not spotting the landing will just come with trial and error. So come up to the jump carry your speed and pop(ollie) off the jump, to spin a 180 the only body movement necessary should be to turn your head in the direction you wish to spin and rotate your shoulders a tad as well. Then extend your legs, absorb the landing, stomp the trick, ride away, and repeat. Once you get comfortable with this trick try to throw in some grabs. This trick will also prepare you for bs 540's.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Toronto Ski and Snowboard show

The Toronto ski and snowboard show will be at the Toronto exhibition place from the 16th to the 19th of October. It is one of the biggest ski and snowboard shows in Canada and one of the top 10 in the world. I will be attending on the 18th along with some friends and meeting many people there as well. Be sure to check it out, all the new gear for the 2008-2009 season will be in with all the big companies attending. To top it all off you get to meet plenty of riders and really chill people. See you there!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Newspaper Article - Intoxication Levels

Can you handle it?
Written by: Mike
North America

Men and female are both affected by each drink they consume. Alcohol is distributed carelessly around the world every day and what people don’t realize is how little it takes to become intoxicated. Alcohol affects your body based on your weight and gender before your drinking experience, as opposed to what most people have been led to believe.

One of the most dramatic things affected by our consumption of alcohol is our motor skills. Every drink we take slightly impairs our ability to make proper decisions. For some people it takes a lot less to get drunk and for this to happen, these people in urban terms are known as “light weights”.

The term light weight is actually as close a proper term as you could get when it comes to being drunk. Our weight plays the biggest factor in our intoxication tolerance levels. Did you know that if a man who weighs 100 pounds drinks 24 oz. of beer his alcohol level is already at 0.08% blood to alcohol, the legal limit! But if a man of 240 pounds were to drink the same amount he would only be at 0.03%.

Gender plays a huge factor in our tolerance levels as well. For example if that the man who drank 24 oz. of beer at 100 pounds was actually a woman of 100 pounds she would already be at 0.10%. For a woman to have 24 oz. of beer and not be past the legal limit she would need to be at least 140 pounds.

Now we always hear about people saying “Oh he drinks all the time, he doesn’t get drunk anymore!” But the truth is that though if you do drink more than casually you will become more tolerant of it, the difference is not nearly as drastic as a change in weight or the differences between genders.

A little fact that should be known is that for every 40 minutes of drinking you lose 0.01% of the alcohol in you blood system. So if you check up on the charts and realize you have had too much to drink and get behind the wheel try applying that rule and remember that the only real thing that can sober you up is time!

Statistics taken from:
http://www.ou.edu/oupd/bac.htm (this site is awesome, should definitely give it a read)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How NOT to do a 540!

Last winter I experienced something that I hope no one else will have to endure. I was out of the season for 2 and a half weeks in February. I missed some of the best day to ride of the season, thanks to a failed attempt at a front side 540. So I was at lakeridge ski resort in Uxbridge with my school and I was really feeling my front side 360's but my buddy convinced me to go for a 540. I prefer doing my spins backside because on 360 that allow you to spot your landing and I'm used spinning off my toe side. But I knew that to spot my landing I'd have to go front side. So I decided to just man up and go for it because my other friends wouldn't and I wanted to show them how it's done. Big mistake I took off, clipped an edge and ended up a bit diagonal once I passed 360 and ended up 450 my body was basically upside down and I came down right on my shoulder. I ended up almost needing surgery but got off with a month of physio therapy, a sling for 2 weeks, and one messed up shoulder.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Duck those feet!!!

Most new boarders tend to leave the board the way they get it set up at home or at a shop. This is a normal thing and not necessarily wrong to do. Most new boarders should not take this advice and stick to using only a positive angle on the front foot. A duck stance will cause beginners to remain too much on their heel edge instead of learning toe edge as well. For intermediate or advanced riders, in my opinion, as well as most CASI certified snowboarding instructors, your board will discover much better performance out of your board if you duck out your feet. Ducking your feet means that your bindings point outwards to your nose and tail. So in stead of your feet being straight like this (___|_____|___) or (___\_____|___) they look more like this (___\_____/___). This will allow for better edge control and balance when you're riding. More tips to come keep checking in!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Snowboarding Video Games

Now we all know that video games never can compare to the real thing... But some of them have at least a bit of realistic elements to it. But with snowboarding games let's be serious, there has never been one that is worth really getting into. From the cool boarders series for play station 1 to the ssx series for xbox. Though they were all fun games, I think the only way you'll be collecting coins on the slopes in real life is if someone dropped a couple loonies. So I look forward to the day a realistic snowboarding game is available for the off season or when you're stuck with a separated shoulder after messing up an attempt at your 540's! (Stick around that will be what my next blog will be about pretty interesting story)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Buying a snowboard (beginners)

When it comes to picking your board what should you look for? Most people as beginner or intermediate snowboarders don't have the slightest clue about edges, cores, length, flex, pop etc... The advice that would be most suitable to beginners that I can give would be to pick a wide board that meets your eyes in height when stood up vertically. Don't be afraid to ask for some help!! Try and get to a nearby Snowboard shop where they can help you get set up. Don't try to get the nicest board around cause until you learn how to control all the things it offers there’s no point it paying for it!! Finally don't look for a board you aren't going to want to scratch up. If you're starting out it's going to happen, just deal with it. Companies who offer good beginner/intermediate boards are: Firefly, Lamar, Option, Nitro or Rossignol. I'd stick to those for beginners so check out their sites!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Skyloft Dryslope. Will it ever open?

For those of you who live for snowboarding, like I do, will be disappointed to hear that Skyloft will not be opening the dryslope this year. They we're ready to be up and running July 16th to start, then moved it back to August 9th and finally to September 6th. The reason for this is that they could not receive the permits necessary to run the hill with this new material. For those of you who don't know, a dryslope is a fake material that resembles carpet and allows you to snowboard any time of the year!! These dryslopes are most popular in Europe and the one at Skyloft was to be the first ever in North America. The sad thing is that by the time they get all the permits they need it will be snowing!! So let’s keep waiting for the cold and look forward to Summer Boarding '09!

For more information on dryslopes try visiting http://www.snowflex.com/ for a look at the most popular dryslopes in the world!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Backside 360

This is going to be the first of many trick tips I post before and throughout the snowboarding season. A backside 360 is a pretty simple trick once you get the hang of it. Backside means you spin so that when you first start your spin your back is facing down the hill. So what you want to do is start off with a small kicker, get up to a moderate speed and pull off that sweet bs 360. But first!!! Try spotting the jump, make sure it's smooth and has no edges on the lip of the jump. Try doing a fs or bs 180 and make sure you are completely comfortable with the jump. Now for the fun part. Carry your speed up to the jump don't try to slow down too much. As you’re moving up to the jump start rotating your body in the opposite direction your going to spin but only slightly. Finally when you are coming off the jump start rotating in the direction you want to spin (backside), tuck your cheek to your shoulder and rotate your shoulders. Remember your upper body does the rotation, if you spin your upper body your lower body will follow it! Finally when you come around to a 270 spot your landing finish what's left of your rotation and stomp a clean 360, then the best part, go brag to all your friends. The biggest tip I can give you though, is go for it. Don't stop. Make a commitment and do it! You learn from practice so keep at it.